Hi everyone!
I feel like updating has been a three ring circus! I have posted updates on Model Horse Blab (www.modelhorseblab.com/forums) in the "What's in your Studio" thread, Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=103432336361385), and some to my yahoo group but the poor Blog has been neglected. I am unable to post pics at the moment to the blog but I will see if I can work on that and get that fixed. Your welcome to follow me on whatever source you prefer! I am trying to figure out if I should be posting the same updates to all so that you can pick what format you prefer and go with it. Although, due to the contraints of the sources themselves, updates will have to be a little different. So I may end up just posting links to other sources. Facebook will probably get the most frequent updates as I can post a status as to what I may be working on at the moment. I am using a dashboard to help keep tabs on a few of the updates as well.
As for the updates!
I have been a woman possessed! It started with Khassanova, my custom Nahar and then progressed on to the PS Palouse Mule CM I just finished. I have the sculpting/customizing bug...and BAD! I currently have 3 drastic CMs in progress (that is the active ones, I have at least 3 more on the sidelines as well). I will post pics of them in the next posts if I can get photos to work. They are:
Breyer Huckleberry Bey ~ to a Beduin War Horse! Mouth open and rearing, he is full of fire and will look terrific in a costume. Part of the legs and part of his barrel are original, almost everything else will be resculpted or tweaked. At the moment his neck is kicking my butt, he is three legged, has no eyes and weighs a ton from the Apoxie Sculpt! He is also the basis for a tutorial I am doing on sculpting mouths. This is coming soon on Model Horse Blab and RESS (Realistic Equine Sculpture Society) http://www.ress.org. The basic tutorial will be on Blab and the expanded version will be on RESS.
Breyer Cigar ~ Added Kathleen Moody wings and he has become a diving angry pegasus! This boy is an extreme commission and the owners vision is rather epic. His mouth has been opened into a fierce snarl and he is about to go in to battle with something equally furious. He is not about to give an inch in the fight. He is quite a large piece and will definitely make his presence known in the show ring. Lets hope NAMHSA institutes fantasy classes!!
Breyer Esprit ~ being transformed into a bullfighting Lusitano! He is cantering sideways out of the range of a bull. His mane will be done up in the traditional style and tail will be free flowing and expressive. His entire face is going to be resculpted to better portray the Lusitano breed and all his limbs have been moved. His hips will be an extreme customization as they are splayed apart and showing the extreme athleticity of these horses. He is going to be quite the challenge! So stay tuned as he progresses!
Also, I have a few pieces that will be attending Breyerfest and NAN! Best of luck to you all and please do update me when you get back!
Rayvin Brewer
Khrysalis Studios